Dragonfly Ladies Bible Study is a group of women growing closer to God and closer to each other! Rumor has it that dragonflies receive their energy and strength from the sun....and Truth tells us that we receive our energy and strength from God's Son!
When We Meet: Thursdays, 9:30 - 11:30 A.M. (Fall and Winter/Spring Semesters)
Location: Children's Center
Study: Different each semester
Cost: Depends on what we are studying...please do not let the cost of a book ever keep you from attending the Bible study.
Facilitators: Sherry Keen and Laurie Anne Scott
Childcare is available for children of the ladies in the Dragonfly Ladies Bible Study.
Nursery: Available for kids 9 weeks thru Pre-K
Questions: Contact the church office @ 936.327.5614.
Dragonfly Ladies is a part of Central's Small Group Ministry.